Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Secure Your Car

Automobile theft is on the rise in many places. To reduce the chances of your car being stolen, and to aid in recovering your car if it is stolen, try these tips:

  1. Using The Club or a similar product makes it harder to steal the car, and provides a visual deterrent.
  2. Car alarms are always going off, and people ignore them. Add a fuel cutoff to your alarm system to stymie a thief.
  3. Etch the bottom of your car windows with your drivers license number. Many police departments can loan you an etching tool
  4. State Farm recommends that you take a picture of your vehicle, and write the license plate and VIN number on the back. Give this to the police if your car is stolen.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Secure Your Home

With some simple changes, the security of your home can be greatly increased. A secure perimeter, outside lighting, and a good safe can convince a crook to leave your house alone.

To increase the resistance of your home to burglary, do the following:

  1. Use a safe to secure your jewelry and important papers. Wills, life insurance, and other significant items should be kept in a fireproof safe of with at least a X fire rating, such as the Honeywell 1.2-Cubic-Foot One-Hour Fire Waterproof Safe with Digital Keypad #2092D . The Honeywell .40-Cubic-Foot Laptop Drawer Anti-Theft Safe with Digital Keypad #2074 can secure your laptop and small items. Ideally, the safe would be hidden and mounted in a concrete floor.

  1. A monitored alarm, with sensors watching the doors, windows, and strategic areas. Modern systems can also call, email, or text message you when an alarm sounds.

  1. Use motion lights outside to call attention to people approaching your house. Indoor lights on a timer give the appearance of someone being home, which will deter most crooks.

  1. Clear plants and other obstructions from the windows, so that a crook can’t hide behind them.

  1. Hide as many valuables as you can to discourage a smash and grab thief.

  1. Good locks are important. Some consumer-grade locks can be “bumped” (that is, opened with a specially made key) easily – see this video or this. Use a good lock brand like Medeco.

  1. A loud and large dog will discourage a thief. If you don’t have one, try a dog simulator .